독립형 태양광 조명 시스템의 설계 및 성능 평가 연구

A study on the design and performance of a stand-alone photovoltaic lighting system

  • 권오상 (인하대학교 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 서유진 (인하대학교 대학원 전기공학과) ;
  • 허창수 (인하대학교 대학원 전기공학과)
  • Kwon, Oh-Sang (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School, Inha University) ;
  • Seo, Yu-Jin (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School, Inha University) ;
  • Huh, Chang-Su (Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.30


In view of global environmental problems and resource exhaustion, we must develop new energy resources that are abundant and provide substitutes for fossil fuels. Renewable energies, such as solar, are ideal because they are clean, inexhaustible, and available everywhere in the world. Photovoltaic(PV) system, in general, are operated as a stand-alone, grid-tied, or hybrid system. Many of the stand-alone PV systems are installed. Although the pre-installation cost of PV system is high, it poorly has been operated due to the absence of optimal management standards. Therefore a study on the performance of PV system is important for the system design and maintenance. In this paper a photovoltaic lighting system was resigned according to load consumption. Then a PV lighting system which used electrodeless lamp as a load was installed. In order to investigate the system operating characteristics we've added a monitoring system to the PV lighting system. The monitoring system using the LabVIEW program regularly checks the operation of the PV lighting system and records the system data. According to the system data, the stability and availability of the PV lighting system were evaluated.



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