Non-linear rheology of tension structural element under single and variable loading history Part II: Creep of steel rope - examples and parametrical study

  • Kmet, S. (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice) ;
  • Holickova, L. (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Kosice)
  • 투고 : 2003.07.16
  • 심사 : 2004.06.24
  • 발행 : 2004.11.25


The substance of the use of the derived non-linear creep constitutive equations under variable stress levels (see first part of the paper, Kmet 2004) is explained and the strategy of their application is outlined using the results of one-step creep tests of the steel spiral strand rope as an example. In order to investigate the creep strain increments of cables an experimental set-up was originally designed and a series of tests were carried out. Attention is turned to the individual main steps in the production and application procedure, i.e., to the one-step creep tests, definition of loading history, determination of the kernel functions, selection and definition of constitutive equation and to the comparison of the resulting values considering the product and the additive forms of the approximation of the kernel functions. To this purpose, the parametrical study is performed and the results are presented. The constitutive equations of non-linear creep of cable under variable stress history offer a strong tool for the real simulation of stochastic variable load history and prediction of realistic time-dependent response (current deflection and stress configuration) of structures with cable elements. By means of suitable stress combination and its gradual repeating various loads and times effects can be modelled.



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