Non linear seismic response of a low reinforced concrete structure : modeling by multilayered finite shell elements

  • Semblat, J.F. (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC), Eng. Modeling Department) ;
  • Aouameur, A. (Dassault Data Services, Formerly at Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees (LCPC)) ;
  • Ulm, F.J. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2003.10.29
  • Accepted : 2004.03.10
  • Published : 2004.08.25


The main purpose of this paper is the numerical analysis of the non-linear seismic response of a RC building mock-up. The mock-up is subjected to different synthetic horizontal seismic excitations. The numerical approach is based on a 3D-model involving multilayered shell elements. These elements are composed of several single-layer membranes with various eccentricities. Bending effects are included through these eccentricities. Basic equations are first written for a single membrane element with its own eccentricity and then generalised to the multilayered shell element by superposition. The multilayered shell is considered as a classical shell element : all information about non-linear constitutive relations are investigated at the local scale of each layer, whereas balance and kinematics are checked afterwards at global scale. The non-linear dynamic response of the building is computed with Newmark algorithm. The numerical dynamic results (blind simulations) are considered in the linear and non linear cases and compared with experimental results from shaking table tests. Multilayered shell elements are found to be a promising tool for predictive computations of RC structures behaviour under 3D seismic loadings. This study was part of the CAMUS International Benchmark.



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