Experimental Study on Corrosion Rate in Concrete

  • Jang, BongSeok (Dam Safety Research Center, Korea Institute of Water and Environment) ;
  • Oh, ByungHwan (Department of Civil Engineering. Seoul National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


The corrosion of reinforcement is a very important factor on the serviceability and safety of reinforced concrete structures. The corrosion rate influences directly the cover failure time of reinforced concrete structures because the corrosion rate is used to estimate the amount of corrosion and thus expansive pressure due to corrosion. In this study, several series of experiments are performed considering the chloride concentration in artificial pore solution. The potentials are measured according to the applied current density and then corrosion current densities are obtained from the Tafel plot for various chloride concentrations. The measured corrosion rates show good correlation with those of other researchers.



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