한국안광학회지 (Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society)
- 제9권2호
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- Pages.257-267
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- 2004
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- 1226-5012(pISSN)
석유화학단지에서의 유기용제 노출에 의한 후천적 색각이상
Acquired Color Vision Impairment among Solvent-Exposed Workers in Petrochemical industry
Lee, Eun-Hee
(Dept. of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National University) ;
Cho, Sung-Il
(Dept. of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National University) ;
Cheong, Hae-Kwan
(Dept. of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, DongGuK University) ;
- Atchison, David A. (School of Optometry, Queensland University of Technology) ;
- Paek, Do-Myung (Dept. of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National University)
- 투고 : 2004.05.03
- 발행 : 2004.12.31
본 연구에서는 전라남도 여수지역의 한 석유화학단지애서 적어도 6개월이상 근무한 작업자 1030명을 대상으로 Lanthony D-15-desaturated 검사법을 이용하여 유기용제노출과 후천적 색각이상간의 연관성을 조사하였다. 작업환경측정은 전 작업시간(8시간) 단시료를 각 작업자에게 부착하는 개인시료를 활용하여 각 개인별 평균, 최대, 누적 연평균 8hr TWA를 산출하였다. 연구결과 연령이 높을수록 색혼란지수(CCI)가 유의하게 높았다(P<0.005). 형태에서는 청황색각이상의 분포가 노출군과 비노출군간에 통계적으로 유의한 수준은 아니었지만, 후천적 색각이상에서 주로 나타나는 제3색형과 제4색형 그리고 복합형이 대부분 노출군에서 높은 분포(비노출군 6.16%, 7.55%, 13.71%, 노출군 5.9%, 7.86%, 14.99%)를 보였다. 마지막으로 색각이상과 관련된 변수들을 보정하였을 때, 후천적 색각이상이 좌안에서는 비노출군과 비교하여 볼 때 통계적 연관성은 없었으나 노출군의 Odds ratio가 증가함을 보였다. 또한 연령에 대하여는 좌 우안에서 모두 높은 통계적 연관성을 보였다(p<0.01). 따라서 이 상의 결과로 근로자가 유기용제 중독으로 인해 초기 신경계이상의 증상으로 후천적 색각이상이 존재할 수 있으므로 안보건 사업에서의 또 하나의 일환으로 근로자의 안보건상태에 대한 지속적인 관심과 관리가 필요하다.
Our study investigated the association between solvent exposure and acquired color vision loss using the Lanthony D-15 desaturated panel in petrochemical industry. Since neurotoxic effects associated with chronic solvent exposure, subjects with more than 6 months of exposure were included. Exposure assesment was estimated mean, maximum and cumulative 8hr TWA from individual 8-hour sampling. Exposure status were classified into two groups, occupationally exposed group to solvent and a non-exposed group. The results showed that CCI was positively related for age. According to the results of qualitative analysis, there was no significant difference in the prevalence of specific Type of dyschromatopsia the two examined group. However, the prevalence showed a higher proportion of dyschromatopsia to solvent exposure. It was affect with acquired dyschromatopsia(Type II, III and Complex) in exposed worker group(5.9%,7.86%,14.99%, respectively) than in the nonexposed group(6.16%,7.55%,13.71%, respectively). After each variable was adjusted for age, alcohol and tobacco consumption, a relationship between acquired dyschromatopsia and exposure showed an increase in the Odds ratio as compared to the nonexposed group at only left. The results showed that acquired dyschromatopsia was positively related to age (p<0.001). The results showed that solvent exposure, although not significant, could cause the acquired dyschromatopsia and visual system can serve important information on early neurotoxic effects in generally. Therefore, we need to concerns about eye health in workers.