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- 腫瘤學 李岩
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- 인간 간암세포주 HepG2에서 八珍抗癌丹과 Adriamycin의 병용처리에 의한 抗腫瘍 效果 白垠基
- 八珍湯合化積丸의 抗腫瘍 效果에 關한 硏究 金成鎭
- 大韓韓方腫瘍學會誌 v.5 no.1 消積白朮散이 Bleomycin의 副作用減少와 抗癌效果에 미치는 영향 김태운(외)
- Biochem Pharmacol v.40 Activation of progra- mmed cell death(apoptosis) by cisplatin, other cancer drugs, toxins and hyperthermia Barry MA;Behbke CA;Eastman A
- Blood v.89 Use of arsenic trioxide As2O3 in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Clinical efficacy and pharmacokinetics in relapsed patients. Shen ZX;Chen GQ;Ni JH;Li XS;Xiong SM;Qui QY;Zhu J;Tang W;Sun GL;Yang KQ;Chen Y;Zhou L;Fang ZW;Wang YT;Ma J;Zhang P;Zhang TD;Chen SJ;Chen Z;Wang ZY
- N Engl J Med v.339 Complete remission after treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with arsenic trioxide Soignet SL;Maslak P;Wang ZG;Jhanwar S;Calleja E;Dardashti LJ;Corso D;Deblasio A;Gabrilove J;Scheinberg DA;Pandolfi PP;Warrell R
- 八珍湯合化積丸과 Adriamycin의 병용처리시 나타나는 synergistic 抗腫瘍 效果에 關한 作用機轉 硏究 李竝求
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- Gastroenterology v.125 The effect of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor rofecoxib on human colorectal cancer liver metastsis Fenwick SW;Toogood GJ;Lodge JP;Hull MA
- J. Biol. Chem.Manuscript Cyclooxygenase-independent induction of apoptosis by sulindac sulfone is mediated by polyamines in colon cancer Babbar N;Ignatenko NA;Casero RA;Gerner EW
- J. Biol. Chem. v.277 Apicidin, a histone deacetylase inhibitor, induces apoptosis and Fas/Fas ligand expression in human acute promyelocytic leukemia cells Kwon SH;Ahn SH;Kim YK;Bae GU;Yoon JW;Hong S;Lee HY;Lee YW;Lee HW;Han JW
- Immunity v.3 Identification and characterization of a new member of the TNF family that induces apoptosis Wiley SR;Schooley K;Smolak PJ;Din WS;Huang CP;Nicholl JK;Sutherland GR;Smith TD;Rauch C;Smith CA(et al)
- 암 동서의 결합치료 1권 문구(外)
- J Cell Biol v.137 Interleukin 1 beta-converting enzyme related proteases/ caspases are involved in TRAIL-induced apoptosis of myeloma and leukemia cells Mariani SM;Matiba B;Armandola EA;Krammer PH
- Science v.274 Melanoma cell expression of Fas(Apo-1/CD95) ligand: implications for tumor immune escape Hahne M;Rimoldi D;Schroter M;Romero P;Schreier M;French LE;Schneider P;Bornand T;Fontana A;Lienard D;Cerottini J;Tschopp J
- Kokai Tokyo koho Jp Antitumor agents from medical plants Sasake S
- Arch, Pharmacol Res. v.8 no.4 Effect of antitumor polysaccharides from Albizza julibrissin on Immune function Chang Kiu Moon;Bueong Gon Lee;Soo Whan Lee;Tak Lim Kang
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- 醫宗必讀 李仲梓
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- Lakartidningen v.97 Apoptosis required for maintenance of homeostasis: familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis caused by too little cell death Fadeel B;Henter JI;Orrenius S
- Adv. Pharmacol. v.41 Chemotherapy- induced apoptosis Mesner P;Budihardjo I;Kaufmann SH
- Blood v.93 Maligment cells can ge sensitixed to undergo growth inhibition and apoptosis by arsenic trioxide through modulation of the glultathione redox system Dai J;Weinberg SR;Waxman S;Jing Y
- Biochem Pharmacol v.60 Induction of mitosis-mediated apoptosis by sodicum arsenite in HeLa S3 cells Huang S;Huang CF;Lee T.
- Trends Cell Biol v.10 no.9 Mitochondria as the central control point of apoptosis Desagher S;Martinou JC
- Cell v.87 Human ICE/CED-3 protease nomenclature Alnemri ES;Livingstone DJ;Nicholson DW;Salvesen G;Thornberry NA;Wong WW;Yuan J
- J Biol Chem v.273 Dopamine induces apoptosis through an oxidation-involved SAPK/JNKactivation pathways Luo Y;Umegaki H;Wang X;Abe R;Roth GS
- Science v.265 A MAP kinase targeted by endotoxin and hyperosmolarity in mammalian cells Han J;Lee JD;Bibbs L;Ulevitch RJ
- Adv. Pharmacol. v.41 Chemotherapy- induced apoptosis Mesner P;Budihardjo I;Kaufmann SH
- J. Biol. Chem. v.273 no.12 Caspase-dependent Cleavage of signaling proteins during apoptosis Widmann C;Gibson S.
- J. Biol. Chem. v.272 Nitric oxide inhibits apoptosis by preventing increase in caspase 3-like activity via two distinct mechanisms Kim Y. M.;Talanian, R. V.; Billiar, T. R.
- Cancer Chemother Pharmacol v.50 Current status of the molecular mechanisms of anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. The contribution of molecular- level analysis to cancer chemotherapy Kim R;Tanabe K;Uchida Y;Emi M;Inoue H;Toge T