- 천연물 화학 연구법 우원식
- 한국식품영양과학회지 v.26 no.1 rkfrmsdptj 분리한 daidzin 및 puerarin의 사람 low density lipoprotein에 대한 항산화 효과 박종옥;김경순;지영애;류병호
- 약초의 성분과 이용 최옥자;과학백과사전 출판사(엮음)
- 단국대학교 석사학위논문 농산부산물에서 항산화 활성 물질의 검색 김삼인
- 천연물 과학 강삼식;윤혜숙;장일무
- Food Technol v.73 Antioxidants; Tools for preventing Lipid Oxidation. James Giese
- Sci Food Agric The phenolic constituents of Prunus domestica Swain T;Hillis WE
- Cereal Chem v.70 no.6 A group of phenolic antioxidants in oats. Dimberg LH;Theander O
- Nutr Rev v.53 no.3 The role of phenolics, conjugated linoleic acid, carnosine, and pyrroloquinoline quinineas nonessential dietary antioxidants. Decker EA
- Food Biotechnol v.2 no.1 Food Antioxidants. Hahm TS;King DL;Min DB
- 한국식품과학회지 v.24 no.6 음약곽 추출물 중의 항산화 성분의 분리 및 성질 김성렬;김진환;김승겸
- Kor J Food & Nutr v.16 no.1 Identification of antioxidative component from stem bark of Rhus verniciflua Kim JB
- 한국식품과학회지 v.35 no.3 복분자 열매에서 항산화 활성을 지닌 quercetin의 분리 및 동정 윤인;위지향;문제학;안태희;박근형
- 한국본초(1)도감 안덕균
- 한국의 약용식물 배기환
- J Ethnopharmacology v.87 no.2-3 Screening and comparison of antioxidant activity of solvent extracts of herbal medicines used in Korea. Kang DG;Yun C;Lee HS
- Phytochemisty. v.46 no.6 Thiazinedione from Xanthium Strumarium. Ma YT;Huang MC;Hsu FL;Chang HF
- J Ethnopharmo-cology v.83 Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors from cuscuta japonica. Oh H;Kang DG;Lee SY;Lee HS
- Drugs v.42 Drug antioxidant effects Halliwell B
- J Act Oxyg Free Rad v.1 Antioxidants Fukuzawa K;Takaishi Y
- Free radicals in biology v.6 Pryored WA
- Colorants Food Colorants Von JH;Elbe SJ
- Royal Soc Chemistry Natural antioxidants & food quality in atherosclerosis and cancer prevention, in role of oxidative stress in atherosclerosis and cancers Salonen TT;Herttaala Y.