회전근 개 파열과 동반된 관절 내 변화의 전체빈도는 활액막염 (63%), 관절순 이상(54%), 이두박 건 활차의 이상(53%), 이두박 건 이상(41%), 상완골두(30%) 및 관절와(20%) 순 이었으며. 이두박 건 장두, 이두박 건 활차, 관절와의 관절염 변화 등의 경우 2군에서 호발하였다. 또한 수술 시 치료가 필요했던건 주 변화의 경우는 2군에서 이두박 건 활차, 골두, 관절순 및 활액막에서 빈도가 증가하였다.
Purpose: To identify associated findings in glenohumeral joint in rotator cuff tear and evaluate its clinical significance, we examined minor and major changes during arthroscopic or mini open repair. Materials & Methods: We reviewed 66 patients of rotator cuff tear treated from March, 2001 to January, 2004. Of 38 cases of small to medium tear, average age was 53 years old and involved in dominant arm in 27 cases. Of 28 cases of large to massive tear, average age was 58 years old and involved in dominant arm in 26 cases. Minor and major associated changes of the glenohumeral joint were evaluated in the tendon of biceps long head, biceps pulley, cartilage of the glenoid and humeral head, labrum and synovium. Results: Minor changes in biceps tendon were in 35% of cases, biceps pulley in 18%, cartilage of humeral head in 27%, cartilage of glenoid in 18%, labrum in 38%, and synovium in 42%. Major changes in biceps tendon were in 6% of cases, biceps pulley in 35%, arthritis of humeral head in 3%, arthritis of glenoid in 2%, labrum in 6%, and synovium in 21 %. Major changes in biceps tendon were 5% in Group I and 7% in Group Ⅱ(p>0.05) and in biceps pulley, 18% and 57% in each (P<0.05). Minor changes of arthritis were prevalent in glenoid cartilage and major changes were more prevalent in humeral head. There were no differences in minor changes of labrum and synovium, but major changes were more prevalent in Group Ⅱ. Conclusion: The prevalence of intraarticular associated changes of rotator cuff tear were 63% in synovium, 54% in labrum, 53% in biceps pulley, 41% in biceps tendon, 30% in humeral head and 20% in glenoid cartilage in order. Major changes of biceps pulley, humeral head, labrum and synovium were more prevalent in Group Ⅱ.