An Empirical Study of the Influence of Expectation, Perceived Performance, and Disconfirmation on Information Systems User Satisfaction

정보시스템 사용자의 기대, 시스템의 지각된 성능, 기대불일치가 사용자 만족에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증적 연구

  • Published : 2004.03.31


User satisfaction has been widely used by information system(IS) researchers as the most appropriate surrogate variable for the systems success since Bailey and Pearson(1983) provided their user satisfaction measurement. Because user satisfaction is a perceived performance measure by users, not a real or objective measure for systems success, however, perceived user satisfaction by users may not be exactly identical with the real systems performance. In this regard, if the user's ultimately perceived satisfaction is different from the real systems performance, we need to investigate why these two measures are different and which factors may cause the difference. From the perspective of disconfirmation of user expecations, this study examined why user satisfaction and real systems performance may not be identical each other. Expectaion-disconfirmation theory which has had a central role in marketing in explaining the effects of expectation and disconfirmation on consumer satisfaction was similarly adopted in this study to explain the role of expectation and disconfirmation in user satisfaction in the IS environment. Based on the expectation-disconfirmation theory, the current study developed a research model to examine the effects of expectation, system performance, and disconfirmation on user satisfaction in particular. Six research hypotheses derived from the research model were empirically tested using the partial least squares(PLS) method. The results of the statistical analysis indicate that the effects of system performance and disconfirmation were fairly strong on user satisfaction, while the user's expectation has shown insignificant influences on user satisfaction.



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