- Study about a plan of the school education facilities which applied safety -

안전을 적용한 학교 교육 시설의 계획에 관한 연구

  • 김종복 (노원중학교, 한국교원대학교, 홍익대학교)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


As for the purpose of this study, education facilities must be considered by a change of an education facilities equipment acid education system and aromatic character of an educational policy with a means to support to efficiently proceed education by study about a plan of the school education facilities which considered safety. That is, education facilities must become maintenance on design construction according to education action character and goal. This is not for a function of education to be decided according to education facilities, and education facilities must be decided so that adjustment can do an education function. The student center, a student are convenient, and an actor must do a plan of education facilities with an usable physical space contrariety, future directivity. As for the plan of school education facilities, facilities must be designed on functionality, an economy, flexibility, aesthetic appreciation anger, a foundation of stability for this so that objective of education realization is easy.



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