Analysis of SAR Distribution Characteristics in a Head Model using FDTD

FDTD를 이용한 인체 두부모델의 SAR 분포특성 해석

  • Hong, Dong-Uk (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kim, Doo-Hyun (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Kang, Dong-Kyu (Department of Safety Engineering, Chungbuk National University)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


This paper presents an analysis of SAR(Specific Absorption Rate) distribution characteristics in a head model using FDTD(Finite Difference Time Domain). In this study human head was modelled in four elements-layered structure, consisting of skin, fat, skull and brain. To calculate the electromagnetic fields wihtin the head model, FDTD method was used. In the FDTD method, the electromagnetic wave is analyzed by solving a Maxwell's equations repeatedly. For the calculation, distance between power source and head model increased by 10[m]. Power density and incident electric field intensity were calculated. Based on the incident electric field, the program which calaculated internal electric fields intensity and SAR calculation of the head model were developed. The results of developed program using FDTD were compared with those of a commericial programs, which showed the availability and usefulness of the suggested scheme in this paper.



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