QoS- and Revenue Aware Adaptive Scheduling Algorithm

  • Joutsensalo, Jyrki (Department of Mathematical Information Technology University of Jyvaskyla) ;
  • Hamalainen, Timo (Department of Mathematical Information Technology University of Jyvaskyla) ;
  • Sayenko, Alexander (Department of Mathematical Information Technology University of Jyvaskyla) ;
  • Paakkonen, Mikko (Department of Mathematical Information Technology University of Jyvaskyla)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


In the near future packet networks should support applications which can not predict their traffic requirements in advance, but still have tight quality of service requirements, e.g., guaranteed bandwidth, jitter, and packet loss. These dynamic characteristics mean that the sources can be made to modify their data transfer rates according to network conditions. Depending on the customer&; needs, network operator can differentiate incoming connections and handle those in the buffers and the interfaces in different ways. In this paper, dynamic QoS-aware scheduling algorithm is presented and investigated in the single node case. The purpose of the algorithm is in addition to fair resource sharing to different types of traffic classes with different priorities ?to maximize revenue of the service provider. It is derived from the linear type of revenue target function, and closed form globally optimal formula is presented. The method is computationally inexpensive, while still producing maximal revenue. Due to the simplicity of the algorithm, it can operate in the highly nonstationary environments. In addition, it is nonparametric and deterministic in the sense that it uses only the information about the number of users and their traffic classes, not about call density functions or duration distributions. Also, Call Admission Control (CAC) mechanism is used by hypothesis testing.



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