Journal of Adhesion and Interface (접착 및 계면)
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.31-42
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- 2004
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- 1229-9243(pISSN)
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- 2233-8217(eISSN)
Wet adhesion and rubber friction in adhesive pads of insects
- Federle, Walter (Dept. of Zoology II, University of Wuerzburg Biozentrum)
- Published : 2004.06.25
Many animals possess on their legs adhesive pads, which have undergone evolutionary optimization to be able to attach to variable substrates and to control adhesive forces during locomotion. Insect adhesive pads are either relatively smooth or densely covered with specialized adhesive hairs. Theoretical models predict that adhesion can be increased by splitting the contact zone into many microscopic, elastic subunits, which provides a functional explanation for the widespread 'hairy' design. In many hairy and all smooth attachment systems, the adhesive contact is mediated by a thin film of liquid secretion between the cuticle and the substrate. By using interference reflection microscopy (IRM), the thickness and viscosity of the secretion film was estimated in Weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina). 'Footprint' droplets deposited on glass are hydrophobic and form low contact angles. IRM of insect pads in contact showed that the adhesive liquid is an emulsion consisting of hydrophilic, volatile droplets dispersed in a persistent, hydrophobic phase. I tested predictions derived from film thickness and viscosity by measuring friction forces of Weaver ants on a smooth substrate. The measured friction forces were much greater than expected assuming a homogenous film between the pad and the surface. The findings indicate that the rubbery pad cuticle directly interacts with the substrate. To achieve intimate contact between the cuticle and the surface, secretion must drain away, which may be facilitated by microfolds on the surface of smooth insect pads. I propose a combined wet adhesion/rubber friction model of insect surface attachment that explains both the presence of a significant static friction component and the velocity-dependence of sliding friction.