돼지정액 동결중 식빙처리가 융해후 정자생존율 및 침체형태에 미치는 영향

Effects of Seeding during Freezing Procedure on Post-Thaw Viability and Acrosome Integrity of Boar Spermatozoa

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


To investigate the effects of seeding during freezing procedure on post-thaw viability, motility, and acrosome integrity of boar spermatozoa, semen from 5 Yorkshire boars were collected for this experiment. Raw semen were diluted with Merck I, subsequently added with cooling diluent containing lactose and egg yolk and with freezing diluent containing glycerol. The diluted semen were frozen on the rack in the styrofoam box filled with liquid nitrogen at the distance of 5 cm or I cm above LN2 level. Seeding was performed to only a group of straws frozen at 5 cm away on the surface of LN2. The frozen semen were thawed in $50^{\circ}C$C water and the viability and local motility were analyzed by sperm analysis imaging system. A part of thawed semen was taken for the examination of morphology of apical ridge of the acrosome to compare with the effect of seeding between the seeding-treated and non treated groups. I. Post-thaw viability was considerably higher in seeding-treated sperm than non-seeding group (p<0.01), however, no difference of local motility was obtained among the groups. 2. At three hours after thawing, viability was also higher in seeding-treated group than non-treated group (p<0.05), along with no difference of motility among the groups. 3. Higher normal acrosome integrity was obtained in the seeding-treated sperm than non-treated groups (p<0.01). 4. Between non-seeded groups, higher normal acrosome integrity was obtained in the sperm group frozen at 5cm upper on the surface of LN2 than that frozen at 1cm away (p<0.01). These results indicated that seeding treatment during freezing boar spermatozoa was beneficial to post-thaw viability and normal acrosome integrity.



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