Predictions of zinc selenide single crystal growth rate for the micro gravity experiments

  • Kim, Geug-Tae (Department of Nano-Bio Chemical Engineering, Hannam University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


One predicts the crystal growth rate of ZnSe with a low vapor pressure system in a horizontal configuration based on one dimensional advection-diffusion and two-dimensional diffusion-convection model. The present results show that for the ratios of partial pressures, s = 0.2 and 2.9, the growth rate increases with the temperature differences between the source and crystal. As the ratio of partial pressure approaches the stoichiometric value, s = 2 from s = 1.5 (zinc-deficient case: s < 2) and 2.9 (zinc-rich case: s > 2), the rate increases sharply. For the ranges from 1.5 to 1.999 (zinc-deficient case: s < 2) and from s = 9 to 2.9 (zinc-rich case: s > 2), the rate are slightly varied. From the viewpoint of the order of magnitude, the one-dimensional model for low vapor pressure system falls within the 2D predictions, which indicates the flow fields would be advective-diffusive. For the effects of gravitational accelerations on the rate, the gravitational constants are varied from 1 g to $10^{-6}$ g for $\Delta$T = 50 K and s = 1.5, the rates remain nearly constant, i.e., 211 mg/hr, which indicates Stefan flow is dominant over convection.



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