Pre-school Children′s Privacy Needs in the Residential Space

주거공간 내에서의 유아의 프라이버시 욕구

  • Published : 2004.10.01


This study has been performed to review pre-school children's needs for privacy within normal residential space. In this study, there were three circumstances in which children need to stay alone without being interrupted by their parents; First, they strongly want to be stay quiet until relieving their anger or fear, shortly after disciplined and impugned by their parents. Second, infant children need to obtain their own territory in order to demonstrate ownership and dignity in their sley space. Third, there are also special circumstances of privacy needs among families with intrusive parents such as alcoholics and heavy smokers, or for the children of disability. In Korea, it is presumed that more than 60 percent the pre-school children aging three to six are in deficit of privacy for relieving their emotional disturbance, but no research has been documented for the case of disabled or interrupted children. Therefore in this study, it was primarily proposed that empirical studies need to be peformed among Korean preschoolers, in order to evaluate privacy needs in the perspectives of ordinary family lives, individual household behaviors, and special conditions of disability or offensive family members.



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