빔형성방법을 이용한 회전하는 음원의 위치 판별에 관한 연구

Localization of Rotating Sound Sources Using Beamforming Method

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The positions of rotating sound sources have been localized by experiments with the Doppler effects removed. In order to de-Dopplerize the sound signals emitted from moving sources, two kinds of signal reconstruction methods were applied. One is the forward propagation method and the other is the backward propagation method. Forward propagation method analyze the source emission time based on the instantaneous distance between sensors and the assumed source position, then the signals are reconstructed with respect to the emission time. On the other hand, the backward method uses time delay to do-Dopplerize the acquired data for the received time of reference. In both techniques. the reconstructed signal data were processed using beamforming algorithm to produce power distributions at the frequencies of interest. Experiments have been carried out for varying frequencies, rotating speeds and the object distances. It is shown that the forward propagation method gives better performance in locating source position than the backward propagation method.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Localization of Moving Sound Source Using Various Beamforming Methods vol.26, pp.5, 2016,