Measurement of the Rate of Protein Synthesis in Chickens by HPLC/MS

  • Seo, S.S. (Department of Natural Science, Albany State University) ;
  • Coon, C. (Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The fractional synthesis rates(FSR) were measured with 2l-wk and 3l-wk-old broiler breeder pullets and hens to investigate the effect of sexual maturity on FSR. The FSR were obtained from chicken tissues and blood samples using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry(HPLC/MS). A L-l-13C, 15N -leucine saline solution was infused by bolus injection as a tracer into broiler breeder pullets in the experiment. A rapid HPLC/MS method was developed to measure the isotopic enrichments of leucine in plasma, tissue samples, and eggs. The enrichments of stable isotope leucine incorporated into protein and the enrichments of the stable isotope free leucine were measured in liver, breast muscle and blood samples. Two sets of experiments were conducted. In experiment one, 2l-wk-old, sexually immature broiler breeder pullets were divided into groups of three and blood samples were collected at 20 or 30 min intervals until 1.5 h from initial injection. The pullets were sacrificed in groups of three at varying time intervals for 7 h after injection. The liver, breast muscle and blood samples were removed for analysis. The FSR were estimated to be 8.7l%/day for liver, 4.06%/day for breast muscle, and 5.08%/day for blood samples in 30 minutes after injection from the enrichment ratios. In experiment two, sexually matured 3l-wk-old broiler breeder hens were assorted into groups of three and blood samples were obtained at 20 or 30 min intervals for 2 h. The FSR for blood samples were determined. The broiler breeder hens were sacrificed in groups of three at various time intervals until 7 h after injection and liver, breast muscle and blood samples were removed for analysis. The FSR were calculated to be 5.96%/day for liver. Eggs were collected from five chickens daily for 10 days after large bolus injection. The average of total enrichments of stable isotope in egg albumin was increased by 0.064% at 4 days after injection and was back to normal in 7 days.



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