골프장 서비스품질, 고객만족과 재이용 의도간의 관계

The Relationship of the Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Re-use Intention in Golf Culb

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This research analysed the Interaction which focus on service quality perception, customer satisfaction, re-use intention in the golf club. First of all, we review the existing literature on measurement of service quality and management. As a result of this review and survey of the employer in golf club, thirteen factors emerged as important to the service management of the golf club; Reservation and Access(RSNA), Golf Course and Convenience Facilities(GCNF), Personal Services(PSER) and After Services(ASER). The structural equation model was utilized for analyzing the influence of service quality factors upon the customer satisfaction and re-use intention. Results show that service quality factors have a statistically significant impact on the customer satisfaction of the golf club. RSNA and GCNF investigated the factors influencing on the satisfaction degree of the customers. But the GCNF and PSER were not significant. Especially, GCNF factors directly influenced on the customer satisfaction and also indirectly impact on the intention of using again.



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