테크노-사이버 패션에서의 메이크업의 미적 특성

A Study of the Make-up Aesthetic Characteristics in Techno-Cyber Fashion

  • 정귀숙 (초당대학교 뷰티코디네이션학과) ;
  • 조경희 (목포대학교 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.01


The purpose of this study examines the characteristics of the Techno-Cyber fashion in modern fashion, and especially, how the make-up in the Techno-Cyber fashion is expressed artistically, and finally how much the make-up has its aesthetic value and significance. This study has its meaning in studying the relationship between the Techno-Cyber fashion and the make-up. Further more, the study has its significance in that it is possible to consider the interaction of the make-up by the fashion trend. The way of the study is to analyze its features that are shown in the documents of the inside and outside of the country. the study precedent, the technical journal, and the fashion picture. And also the study refers to the related contents in the searching for internet. The aesthetic characteristics of the expressed make-up is shown with the various aesthetic styles, as follows : First, the future-oriented characteristics is shown as the expression of the metallic make-up that emphasizes the glitter and glossy texture, and of the transparent make-up that emphasizes the simplicity of the body. Second, the surrealistic characteristics is expressed to the collage make-up that expresses the unexpected character with the introduction of the special materials and the position changing and the graphic make-up that destroys the standardized form. Third, the anti-cultural characteristics is expressed to the Cyber-Punk make-up that expresses the destructive and challenging image. Finally, the compromise characteristics is shown in the Ethno make-up combined the concept of the ethnic with the high technology and the Androgynous make-up which destroys the bounds of the sex.



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