유전 알고리듬을 이용한 물류시스템의 동적 수송계획 모형

A Model of Dynamic Transportation Planning of the Distribution System Using Genetic Algorithm

  • 장석화 (인천대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This paper addresses the transportation planning that is based on genetic algorithm for determining transportation time and transportation amount of minimizing cost of distribution system. The vehicle routing of minimizing the transportation distance of vehicle is determined. A distribution system is consisted of a distribution center and many retailers. The model is assumed that the time horizon is discrete and finite, and the demand of retailers is dynamic and deterministic. Products are transported from distribution center to retailers according to transportation planning. Cost factors are the transportation cost and the inventory cost, which transportation cost is proportional to transportation distance of vehicle when products are transported from distribution center to retailers, and inventory cost is proportional to inventory amounts of retailers. Transportation time to retailers is represented as a genetic string. The encoding of the solutions into binary strings is presented, as well as the genetic operators used by the algorithm. A mathematical model is developed. Genetic algorithm procedure is suggested, and a illustrative example is shown to explain the procedure.



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