Health as Expanding Consciousness: Based on the Experiences of Victims of Sexual Violence

의식확장으로서의 건강 -성폭력 피해자의 경험을 중심으로-

  • Published : 2004.10.01


Purpose: This study was to explore health experiences of victims of sexual violence reflected in Newman's health as expanding consciousness theory. Method: Nurse as researcher use Newman's praxis methodology because it is good for showing the process of interaction between researcher and sexual abuse victims. Results: The significant characteristics of early health experiences during negative situations were a lot of suffering. However, after a turning point in health experience, the health experiences of most of the participants evolved as expanding consciousness. Conclusion: The study has provided support for Newman's theory of health. Most of the participants recognised meanings in their patterns and trustful caring relationships with the nurse as researcher. Pattern recognition as a nursing practice was a meaningful transforming process in the participant-nurse partnership.



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