Proxy Design for Improving the Efficiency of Stored MPEG-4 FGS Video Delivery over Wireless Networks

  • Liu, Feng-Jung (Department of Computer Science and Engineering from National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung and works with Department of Management Information System at Tajen Institute of Technology) ;
  • Yang, Chu-Sing (Department of Computer Science and Engineering from National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


The widespread use of the Internet and the maturing of digital video technology have led to an increase in various streaming media application. However, new classes of hosts such as mobile devices are gaining popularity, while the transmission became more heterogeneous. Due to the characteristics of mobile networks such as low speed, high error bit rate, etc., the applications over the wireless channel have different needs and limitations from desktop computers. An intermediary between two communicating endpoints to hide the heterogeneous network links is thought as one of the best approaches. In this paper, we adopted the concept of inter-packet gap and the sequence number between continuously received packets as the error discriminator, and designed an adaptive packet sizing mechanism to improve the network efficiency under varying channel conditions. Based on the proposed mechanism, the packetization scheme with error protection is proposed to scalable encoded video delivery. Finally, simulation results reveal that our proposed mechanism can react to the varying BER conditions with better network efficiency and gain the obvious improvement to video quality for stored MPEG-4 FGS video delivery.



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