호텔 인적 자원 효율적 관리 방안에 관한 연구

A Study on Human Resources Management for Hotel Kitchen

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Nevertherless, a structural depression with high expense of costs-low degree of efficiency and high price of commodities-low degree of growth during the last few years. And hotel companys were doing endeavor for conquer this depression with reshuffle of the personnal system and that systematizing an enterprise and production control. Hotel has more increase personnel expenses percents than increase sold price percents so that hotel reducing cook and as result, hotel has a problem from production selling of food service because that is insufficient of cook man power. On studying this research, an importancy of cusine department in inquire hotel and an efficiency man power control of cusine department influence on hotel marketing were made use of analysis for hotel kitchen management. The result of this study is like that. First, the quality of a hotel employee is directly related to that of hotel service, which is functioned as a principle factor on which success or failure of the hotel very largely depends. Second, fair evaluation of merits. Third, cognition for job as expert. Fourth, the roles and competences of the employees were affected much by the inner or outer environmental changes surrounding the hotel enterprises. Fifth, do not underestimate an intelligent ability and will power of employee, and hotel company have to manage that the employees consult themselves about their things of department and improve with the master sense for job. Sixth, pay increase and intensive system. This system can raise the will to achievement for employee's job, and company can get many benefits from government. Seventh, the employees should be encouraged to have memberships of academic organizations, to actively participate in academic meetings, workshops, conferences, and forums in the area of job performance.
