사상 유형학의 성격심리학적 고찰

Sasang Typology from a Personality Perspective

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Objectives : The objective of this study was to examine the biopsychological traits of each Sasang type from a personality theory perspective. Methods : A review of different theories of personality is provided, in addition to review of ten previous studies on the psychological characteristics of the Sasang types. Results : 1. Similarities and differences were found between Sasang typology and Western theories of personality. 2. The prevalence of Sasang type was 28:36:36 (So-Yang:Tae-Eum:So-Eum), and the majority of the study sample were males in their twenties. 3. The Yin-Yang and Large-Small axes of Sasang typology were comparable to Eysenck's Extraversion and Neuroticism dimension. So-Yang type showed high extraversion and low neuroticism, and So-Eum type exhibited low extraversion and high neuroticism. Tae-Eum type was extravert and neurotic, and highly distinctive in such physical traits as Body Mass Index and blood triglyceride concentration. 4. We make recommendations for future studies on Sasang typology within a biopsychosocial and cognitive framework. Conclusions : This study demonstrates the possibility of Sasang typology being explicable from a cross-cultural biopsychosocial theory.



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