웹기반 교육이 중학생의 교통안전 지식과 태도에 미치는 효과 연구

The Effectiveness of WBI(Web-Based Instruction) on the Knowledge and Attitude of Traffic Safety among Middle School Students

  • 장시원 (세이프 키즈 코리아) ;
  • 이명선 (이화여자대학교 보건교육학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


Korea has the highest traffic accident occurrence rate in the world. It means that we are forced to face a tremendous amount of economic loses and great cost of life. Even though this phenomenon consistently has arose as a public issue every year and many researchers have emphasized the importance of safety education as the fundamental solution, we are still trying to make a long-lasting and effective traffic safety education programs for children and adolescents. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of web-based learning for traffic safety in Korea middle school. For this purpose, the instructive model was constructed based on the ASSURE model and a special web-site of education was developed on behalf of practical use of multi-media learning materials for the traffic safety. The research subject was represented by 259 students from second grade in 2 middle schools located in Seoul Korea. The traffic safety education program using web-site was preceded to the 136 students as a case group for 45 minutes total 3 times. Other 126 students are control group those who did not get with this program. The survey was conducted before and after the education. The results of this study were as follow: 1. The knowledge analysis from the comparison between before and after of the lesson showed case group and control group scored average at 11.25 points and 10.97 points. However, after they attended programs, case group scored 13.57 points and control group scored 10.85 points. The difference from the result of the case group was statistically significant(p<0.001). 2. The attitude analysis from the comparison between before and after of the lesson showed case group and control group scored averages at 29.59 points and 28.21 points. However, after they attended program, case group scored 37.23 points and control group scored 32.71 points. The difference from the result of the case group was statistically significant(p<0.05). 3. Regarding the domain analysis by means of web-based traffic safety education, only the case group had a statistically significant score in the case of knowledge 'safe utilization of bicycle' and 'The Characteristic of Automobile and Safer Mode of Walking for Pedestrian'(p<0.01, p< 0.001), and in the case of attitude 'safe walking and crossing' 'The Characteristic of Automobile and Safer Mode of Walking for Pedestrian'(p<0.01, p<0.001). 4. Web based instruction for traffic safety was effective in terms of improving students' knowledge and attitude for traffic safety.



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