개체유형 명사와 동사 ′하-′의 결합에 관한 생성어휘부 이론적 접근

Combination of the Verb ha- ′do′ and Entity Type Nouns in Korean: A Generative Lexicon Approach.

  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This paper aims to account for direct combination of an entity type noun with the verb HA- 'do' (ex. piano-rul ha- 'piano-ACC do') in Korean, based on Generative Lexicon Theory (Pustejovsky, 1995). The verb HA-'do' coerces some entity type nouns (e.g., pap 'boiled rice') into event type ones, by virtue of the qualia of the nouns. Typically, a telic-based type coercion supplies individual predication to the HA- construction and an agentive-based type coercion evokes a stage-level interpretation. Type coercion has certain constraints on the choice of qualia. We further point out that qualia cannot be a warehouse of pragmatic information. Qualia are composed of necessary information to explain the lattice structure of lexical meaning and co-occurrence constraints, distinct from accidental information. Finally, we seriously consider co-composition as an alternative to type coercion for the crucial operation of type shift.
