마우스의 복벽에서 결합조직에 대한 금속 이식체의 생체적합성 비교

Comparative Biocompatibility of Metal Implants in Connective Tissue of Abdominal Wall of the Mouse

  • 김국렬 (순천대학교 자연대학 생물학과) ;
  • 이민호 (전북대학교 치과대학 재료학교실) ;
  • 김병일 (순천대학교 공과대학 금속재료공학과) ;
  • 민병운 (광양보건대학 임상병리학과) ;
  • 김명훈 (광주보건대학 물리치료과) ;
  • 최은상 (부사대학교 생명과학부) ;
  • 조현욱 (순천대학교 자연대학 생물학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study is to compare the biocompatibility of commercial purity Ti, Ti-6AI-4V and Ti-6AI-7Nb alloy specimens with and without surface treatment in mouse abdominal connective tissue in vivo. Each metal was implanted into specific abdominal subdermal tissue site of female mouse. After 4 weeks, the implants were removed and abdominal tissues were fixed, dehydrated and embedded in glycol methacrylate resin. And the tissues were histologically prepared for microscopical evaluation. It was characterized by the presence of connective tissue with fibrous capsule surrounding the implant. The fibrous tissue surrounding the implant was studied to determine the biocompatibility of implanted metals. The average thickness of the fibrous capsule formed around the implant was much thinner for the hydrogen peroxide added hydrochloric acid solution-treated specimen than for the others. The results of this evaluation indicate that modification of the surface properties of titanium and titanium alloy implants changes the biological properties in the abdominal connective tissue. In conclusion, these observations suggest that the proper surface treatment performed in the study is effective for the improvement of biocompatibility.



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