실직 가족의 부인을 대상으로 한 집단상담 프로그램 효과 연구 - Satir 성장 모델을 중심으로 -

A Study of the Effects of Group Counseling Program for the Wives of Jobless Families - Focusing on Satir′s Growth Model -

  • 류경희 (창원대학교 아동가족학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study is designed to conducted group counseling programs applied to the wives of jobless families by Satir's growth model and to help them to recognize the value of themselves and families in their jobless situation and to possess desire and hope for the life of their families in the future. The researcher provided 7 wives of jobless families with group counseling at the family education room of a university from April to June, 2003. The group counseling program consisted of a total of 8 sessions, and each session lasted for three hours to four hours. The researcher came to have a in-depth understanding of the experiences of 5 subjects, who took part in more than 7 sessions in a total of 8 counseling sessions, in the group counseling to which Satir's growth model was applied and analyzed the effects of counseling changing the subjects. The researcher analyzed the following: viewing the subjects themselves and their spouses in a new way, rendezvous with the true self and its acceptance, objective insight into their families, learning how to communicate, and expecting hope through changes. All in all, the wives of jobless families were able to newly recognize the value of the existence of themselves and families and find desire and hope for the life of their families in the future through the group counseling program to which Satir's growth model was applied.



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