문화기술적 의사결정 모델에 따른 대학생들의 무자녀가족에 관한 인식 연구

College Students′ Views on Childless Families Based on an Ethnographic Decision Model

  • 양성은 (조선대학교 사회과학대학 행정ㆍ복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


An Ethnographic Decision Model (EDM) to explore socioeconomic, cultural, and psychological factors related to the attitudes toward childless family was developed in this study. From college students' protocol writings, this research found that the participants in general had conservative views about childless families. They tended to simplify childless families as either infertile couples or DINK (Double Income No Kids) couples. The participants explained why they decided to have or not to have children in the future. They seemed to believe in a traditional family structure and idealize parental roles, while recognizing the high economic and psychological cost of rearing children. They claimed that Korean society set high standards for parents, which were too difficult to reach. The participants, having been educated to believe in self-actualization through their successful careers, struggled to choose between a family with children and one without children. This study was conducted with a holistic view, and highlighted the importance of interactions between traditional ideology about the family and socioeconomic contexts when interpreting college students' perspectives on childless family.



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