대구지역의 국지적 대기순환풍의 환기경로에 관한 수치모의 실험

Numerical Simulation Experiment on the Wind Ventilation Lane of the Local Circulation Winds in Daegu

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


In urban area, thermal pollution associated with heat island phenomena is generally regarded to make urban life uncomfortable. To overcome this urban thermal pollution problem, urban planning with consideration of urban climate, represented by the concept of urban ventilation lane, is widely practiced in many countries. In this study, the prevailing wind ventilation lane of a local winds in Daegu during the warm climate season was investigated by using surface wind data and RAMS(Reasonal Atmospheric Model System) simulation. The domain of interest is the vicinity of Daegu metropolitan city(about 900 $km^{2})$ and its horizontal scale is about 30km. The simulations were conducted under the synoptic condition of late spring with the weak gradient wind and mostly clear sky. From the numerical simulations, the following two major conclusions were obtained: (1)The major wind passages of the local circulation wind generated by radiative cooling over the mountains(Mt. Palgong and Mt. Ap) are found. The winds blow down along the valley axis over the eastern part of the Daegu area as a gravity flow during nighttime. (2)After that time, the winds blow toward the western part of Daegu through the city center. As the result, the higher temperature region appears over the western part of Daegu metropolitan area.



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피인용 문헌

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