Journal of Korea Port Economic Association (한국항만경제학회지)
- Volume 20 Issue 1
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- Pages.21-42
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- 2004
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- 1225-3855(pISSN)
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- 2714-1330(eISSN)
The Operation, Problems and Long-term Development Policy of Gwangyang Port in Northeast Asia - With Regard to Logistics Hub Strategy -
동북아시대 광양항의 운영실태와 장기 발전방안 -물류거점화를 중심으로-
This paper addresses the operation, problems, and development policy of Gwangyang Port, Korea. This paper aims to analyze the operation condition and problems of Gwangyang Port and suggest long-term policies for developing Gwangyang Port as a logistic hub in northeast period. It is made up of three main sections: the operation, problems, and forecast of freight volumes; analysis of operational results of Gwangyang Port; development strategies of Gwangyang Port as a Logistics Hub. This paper was mainly based on a review of current papers/reports, an analysis of secondary data, and questionnaire survey. The major development strategies identified consisted of expansion regular service sea-route, formation of inter-modal transportation system, strengthening of port sales for Gwangyang port's recognition, securing operation-profits by fixed cargo volume, and promotion of free tread zone.