Feature Extraction System for Land Cover Changes Based on Segmentation

  • Jung, Myung-Hee (Dept. of Digital Media Engineering, Anyang University) ;
  • Yun, Eui-Jung (Dept of Information and Control Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


This study focused on providing a methodology to utilize temporal information obtained from remotely sensed data for monitoring a wide variety of targets on the earth's surface. Generally, a methodology in understanding of global changes is composed of mapping, quantifying, and monitoring changes in the physical characteristics of land cover. The selected processing and analysis technique affects the quality of the obtained information. In this research, feature extraction methodology is proposed based on segmentation. It requires a series of processing of multitempotal images: preprocessing of geometric and radiometric correction, image subtraction/thresholding technique, and segmentation/thresholding. It results in the mapping of the change-detected areas. Here, the appropriate methods are studied for each step and especially, in segmentation process, a method to delineate the exact boundaries of features is investigated in multiresolution framework to reduce computational complexity for multitemporal images of large size.



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