실내공간 맥락에서 본 한${\cdot}$${\cdot}$일 전통수납가구 특성 비교연구

Comparative Analysis on Design Characteristics of Traditional Storage Furniture in Interior Context of Korea, China and Japan

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The cultural identity of each nation has appeared as a major issue in this multi-cultural era, and needs to define It clearly through comparisons with other cultures have been raised. The purpose of this study is to figure out ‘similarity’ and ‘dissimilarity’ on design characteristics of traditional storage furniture in interior context of Korea, China and Japan. Comparative analysis of traditional furniture was conducted in two terms, in terms of inner space, first, spatial elevation and front patterns, second, flooring materials of the interior space and types of furniture legs. Result of first comparative analysis showed that composition of windows, one of the major decorative elements of interior space, positively influenced on furniture, and reflected unique patterns of each country. Second comparative analysis showed that structures and shapes of traditional furniture vary depending on flooring materials. As a result of it, Korean furniture has the structure of ‘punghyeol’ and Chinese furniture has the structure of ‘aja’ with ‘takni’ , a combination of legs. In contrast to the two countries, Japanese furniture has rarely legs. The result of analysis is expected to act a role of establishing the cultural identity of our own country.



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