큐비즘에서의 투명성 개념에 의한 전시환경디자인 연구

A Study on the Exhibit Environmental Design through the Transparency of the Cubism

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


When people visit other countries, the first place to go would be either a museum or an art gallery because it might be the most effective way that people could understand culture and history of the place in a short time. It can be alleged that a museum must be an important cultural space because people can experience their life, history and art there. According to these cultural importance, the purpose of this study is to suggest the environmental design of $\boxDr$Design Museum$\boxUl$ through the Transparency of the Cubism. The Transparency means a capability of transmitting light so that objects on the other side can be seen clearly. The Concept of the Transparency could be taken effects in architecture by overlapping facets or space. By understanding formative properties of the Cubism, which especially focused on Transparency, 1 would like to propose the environment as an art and the exhibition-environment as a way of communication. As it were, the study can be valued as a new approach on condition that formative feature is interpreted with modern terms and the ‘Digital technology’ is not used a tool of representation but a tool of thought in terms of design. Moreover, it has a great significance that formative language of the Cubism will be able to be applied to the environmental design through the experimental and creative design process.



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