감성적 접근에 의한 구겐하임 뮤지엄의 공간구성과 조형특성에 관한 기초적 연구 - 라이트와 게리 작품 비교를 중심으로 -

A Basic Study on the Space Organization and Forming Characteristics of the Guggenheim Museums based on Emotional Approach - Focused on Frank L. Wright & Frank O. Gehry′s Works -

  • 서수경 (숙명여자대학교 미술대학 디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


Today, people are bombarded with information, high-technology and multimedia. With that in mind, museum can no longer attract visitor with traditional concept, so it must find some solution or stimulation to attract their attention back. New museum is becoming a experimental space for new culture, new education, and most of all a place to fulfill one's satisfaction of life. Over the past centuries, Guggenheim Foundation has done a great job in providing place for art and place to get emotional stimulation. Out of all of their museums, Frank L. Wright's Solomon R. Guggenheim in New York and frank O. Gehry's Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao had most unique character yet share similar feature to be recognized as the architectural landmark of the 20th & 21st century Although there are close to 50 years of gap between two museums, their unique, attractive, site-specific, emotional value comes from the two most innovative architect of the past and present century. For Wright the Guggenheim was his last project but it had one of the greatest impact on his career and for Gehry the museum gave him confidence that anything is possible. This study will focus on the spatial organization as well as the architectural formation of both museum to compare and analyze. The goal of the research is to give fundamental data which will reveal emotional elements as well as concepts from each work. The content of this research will mainly focused on their architectural philosophy and it will reveal their concept on human emotion as well as the characteristics of the spatial organization. The result of the study will be a valuable reference for people designing art & cultural facilities in the future.



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