자하 하디드의 건축디자인과정에서 다시점 표현기법의 활용과 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics and Use of Multi-Visual Expression Techniques in Architectural Design Process of Zaha Hadid

  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


This study divides the expression techniques of Zaha Hadid into various types who has manipulated her targeted drawings as her unique design tools in the process of architectural design, analyzes them in terms of the vanishing point, visual point for observation and object of observation and attempts to figure out how the multi-visual expression is applied in the conception of form and space and method of observation. By doing so, this study will suggest the characteristics of the expression techniques using multi-visual. Through the above study, the utilization and characteristics of multi-visual expression of the architecture design process of Zaha Hadid are summarized as follows. Firstly, Zaha Hadid utilizes the strained multi-visual perspective technique which can look out over the interaction between masses simultaneously at multi-angles by changing a perspective drawing of vanishing point 1, 2, and 3. Secondly, it utilizes a landscape perspective technique and embodies an Idea of landscape's spatial arrangement through it as the means to search a dynamic relation of architecture, city, land, and space. Thirdly, there is a projected expression using X-ray perspective technique to make the relations between inside and outside of building to three-dimension volume. Zaha Hadid has used the expression techniques using multi-visual by utilizing various points and has developed and used them as her creative tools for idea. By means of escaping from the expression techniques of simple revival, she has used a new expression technique that can represent recognized space. In the past, the content could change the expression techniques in architecture; however, the liberation of architectural expression techniques can change the content in modern times when require new attempts.



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