Recently, there has been an increasing demand for computer-vision based inspection and/or measurement system as a part of factory automation equipment. Existing manual inspection method can inspect only specific samples and has low measuring accuracy as well as it increases working time. Thus, in order to improve the objectivity and reproducibility, computer-aided analysis method is needed. In this paper, front and side profile inspection and/or data transfer system are developed using computer-vision during the inspection process on three kinds of pipes coming from a forming line. Straight line and circle are extracted from profiles obtained from vision using Laplace operator. To reduce inspection time, Hough Transform is used with clustering method for straight line detection and the center points and diameters of inner and outer circle are found to determine eccentricity and whether good or bad. Also, an inspection system has been built that each pipe's data and images of good/bad test are stored as files and transferred to the server so that the center can manage them.