구기자가루 첨가량에 따른 인절미의 품질특성

Quality Characteristics of Injeulmi by Different Ratios of Kugija(Lycii fructus) powder

  • 이효지 (한양대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 차경희 (고려대학교 민족문화연구) ;
  • 박진희 (한양대학교 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of Kugija-Injeulmi by varying the ingredient ratio of Lycii fructus powder (4, 6 and 8%). According to sensory evaluation of Kugija-Injeulmi, as the ratio of Lycii fructus powder was increased, the bitterness, hardness and chewiness all increased. It was found that Kugija-Injeulmi made of glutinous rice was moistened and softened with the addition of more Lycii fructus powder, but it was rougher than Kugija-Injeulmi made of glutinous rice flour. As a result of textural analysis of Kugija-Injeulmi, the hardness, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness increased as the amount of Lycii fructus powder increased, whereas the cohesiveness decreased. Kugija-Injeulmi made of glutinous rice was moister than Kugija-Injeulmi made of glutinous rice flour. The overall-acceptability was negatively correlated with coarseness. The overall-acceptability of Kugija-Injeulmi made of glutinous rice was much higher than that made of glutinous rice flour. From the above results, the most advisable mixture ratio of Kugija-Injeulmi is as follows Kugija-Injeulmi add 282g (94%) glutinous rice flour, Lycii fructus powder 18g (6%) and salt 3g. The moisture content was 42.22%.



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