- Broadband IT Korea건설을 위한 광대역통합망 구축 기본 계획, 2004. 2. 정보통신부
- Marc Leclerc, 'Parlay-yet another open API,' Parlay Member's Meeting, September 2000
- Parlay Group: http://www.parlay.org
- Simon Beddus, Gary Bruce, and Steve Davis,'Opening Up Networks with JAIN Parlay,' IEEE Communication Magazine, April 2000
- Stan Moyer and Amjad Umar, 'The Impact of Network Convergence on Telecommunications Software,' IEEE Communication Magazine, January 2001
- Ayse Dilber, 'AT&T's Multi-Vendor Parlay Open API Trial,' Parlay Member's Meeting, January 2001
- Ulticom: http://www.ulticom.org
- Parlay의 향후 발전상과 전망, 'On the NET,' 2004년 3월호