DS-CDMA 역방향 링크에서의 Zone-based 전력제어 방식

Zone-based Power Control Scheme for DS-CDMA Reverse Link Systems

  • 윤승윤 (아주대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 임재성 (아주대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


본 논문에서는 멀티미디어 트래픽을 효율적으로 서비스하기 위해 CDMA 순방향 링크에 제안되었던 Zone-based 전력제어 방식(1)의 역방향 링크 적용 타당성을 검증 및 분석하였다. Zone-based 전력제어 방식을 운용하기 위해서는 각 트래픽 채널에 할당되는 최대 전력량이 결정되어야 한다. 순방향 링크에서는 기지국의 전력 자원을 다수의 트래픽 채널이 공유하기 때문에 각 트래픽 채널에 할당 가능한 최대 전력 자원을 결정하는 메커니즘이 요구되지만, 역방향 링크에서는 서비스 단말별로 전송되는 트래픽 채널에 할당 가능한 최대 전력 자원이 결정되어져 있는 특성으로 인해 Zone-based 전력제어 방식이 쉽게 구현될 수 있다. 실험 결과는 Zone-based 전력제어 방식이 기존의 전력제어 방식에 비해 전력 소비량과 이동국의 트래픽 성능에 있어서 향상된 결과를 보여주었다. 결국 Zone-based 전력제어 방식은 멀티미디어 트래픽 환경에서 고속 데이터호의 서비스 반경을 셀의 전체 서비스 반경으로 확보할 수 있게 하고, 시스템 내에 생성되는 간섭 량을 억제하여 저속 음성호의 QoS도 적절히 보장해줄 수 있는 방안임을 확인하였다.

In this paper, we analyse feasibility of Zone-based Power Control (ZPC) scheme introduced for CDMA forward link(1) in the reverse link. To operate ZPC scheme in the CDMA systems the maximum power level that can be allocated to each traffic channel should be determined. Because all the service channels share the whole power resource in the forward lint a specific mechanism that determines Maximum power resource to each traffic channel is required to operate ZPC scheme in the forward link. However, ZPC scheme can be easily adopted to the reverse link, because of the fact that the whole power resource of service terminal is only confined to its traffic channel. In other words, we need not to determine the maximum power resource to be allocated in the reverse traffic channel. Simulation results show that ZPC scheme adopted to the reverse link yields a significant performance improvement compared with the conventional TPC(IS-95 TPC) scheme in terms of the power consumption and the traffic capacity of Portables, especially with the increasing number of high-rate data traffics. With the proposed scheme, not only be extended the service coverage of high-rate data traffic to the entire cell service coverage, but also the QoS of low-rate traffic can keep going through the service time, especially, in the situation that the incoming interference is much larger.



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  2. Proc. IEEE Globecom v.2 SIR-based Power Control in a CDMA System S. Ariyavisitakul
  3. Proc. IEEE ICC v.1 Results of Multiple Cell Simulation of a CDMA Cellular System Focusing on SIR based Power Control Y. Takeuchi
  4. Proc. PIMRC v.1 Power Control and Resource Management for a Multimedia CDMA Wireless System A. Sampath;P. Sarath;J. Holtsman
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  6. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology v.47 no.3 Design Issues in a CDMA Cellular System with Heterogeneous Traffic Types J. Zou;V. Bhargava https://doi.org/10.1109/25.704841
  7. IEICE Trans. on Comm. v.E80-B no.4 Adaptive Coding Rate and Processing Gain Control for Cellular DS-CDMA Systems S. Abeta;S. Sampei;N. Morinaga
  8. Proc. WCNC v.1 Adaptive Resource Allocation in Power Constrained CDMA Mobile Networks S. Oh;K. Wasserman
  9. Proc. ICC v.2 Optimization of Power Allocation in a Multicell DS-CDMA System with Heterogeneous Traffic J. Su;A. Annamalai;W. Lu
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  11. Proc. ICUPC v.1 An Up-link Transmission Power Control Method Considering Mudium Priorities in CDMA Mobile Radio Communications M. Nishino;S. Sato
  12. Proc. ICC v.2 Capacity of DS-CDMA Networks on Frequency Selective Fading Channels with Open-loop Power Control A. Chockalingam;L. Milstein
  13. Proc. ICUPC v.2 Adaptive Transmission Power Control in CDMA Slotted-ALOHA Radio Communications K. Mori
  14. IEEE JSAC v.17 no.5 Cellular Multicode CDMA Capacity for Integrated (Voice and Data) Services D. Ayyagari;A. Ephremides
  15. Proc. IEEE Globecom v.3 Capacity of a CDMA Cellular System with Variable User Data Rates V. Paularajan;J. Roberts
  16. Proc. VTC v.2 An Efficient Power and Rate Control Mechanism of CDMA Forward Link for High-speed Data Services S. Yun;J. Lim