커뮤니티 참여디자인의 접근방법에 관한 연구 - 노인회관의 사례연구를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Method of Approach for Participatory Design in Community - Focused on the Case Study In a Senior Hall -

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


This study theoretically investigated the conceptional and technical aspect of participatory design as an approaching scheme for participatory design in community This study operated a case study in an senior hall which is expected to be the important institution for future aging society This study discussed the tool's potentialities after investigating technique's developments and usefulness. The main result of study is as follows 1) Conceptual approachment for participatory design in community starts with the attitude of designers establishing moral, philosophical and social sense of value as the mediator in city and region. And proceed the design in the method of mediating the opinion with the members of the community and the government. 2) The technical approachment should be more concentrated with the method of making the members interested and treat the rationalized process and proceedings more important. And develop this as a tool which Is easily understandable, more convenient when working, and has a adaptability in application. 3) The given technique in case study is produced with the data of demanded rooms, preferred image, priority, and room-layout game, and verified it's usefulness by analyzing and discussing of process and technique, and this technique can be useful after specific complement work as a result.



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