- Experimental Robotics V;Lecture notes in control and information sciences v.232 Mechanical design and control of a highbandwidth shape memory alloy tactile display P. Wellman;W. Peine;G. Favalora;R. Howe;A. Casals(ed.);A. T. de Almeida(ed.) https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0112950
- Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Society Manual control of manipulator forces and torques using graphic display A. Bejczy;R. Dotson;J. Brown;J. Lewis
- IEEE Trans. on Man-Machine Systems v.11 no.1 Optical-to-tactile image conversion for the blind J. Bliss;M. Katcher;C. Rogers;R. Shepard https://doi.org/10.1109/TMMS.1970.299963
- Engineering Data Compendium: Human Perception and Performance K. Boff;J. Lincoln
- Experimental Robotics VII Cooperative human and machine perception in teleoperated assembly T. Debus;J. Stoll;R. Howe;P. Dupont;D. Rus(ed.);S. Singh(ed.)
- Proc. of the SPIE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Advanced Manufacturing Multichannel vibrotactile display for sensory substitution during teleoperation T. Debus;T. Becker;P. Dupont;T.-J. Jang;R. Howe
- Proc. of the Sixth Annual Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems v.61 Vibrotactile feedback for industrial telemanipulators J. Dennerlein;P. Millman;R. Howe
- MIT Ph.D. Thesis, MIT Sensory Substitution for Force Feedback in Space Teleoperation M. Massimino
- Psychological Review v.82 no.2 Visual dominance: an information-processing account of its origins and significance M. Posner;M. Nissen;R. Klein
- Proc. of the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division A new multi-finger tactual display H. Tan;W. Rabinowitz