- Sankhya, C v.41 An investigation of raking ratio estimators Buskirk, G. J.;Rao, J. N. K.
- Journal of Offical Statistics v.19 A Post-stratified Raking-ratio Estimator Linking National and State Survey Data for Estimating Drug Use Buskirk, T. D.;Meza, J. L.
- Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.43 Sensitivity of Raked Contingency Table Totals to Changes in Problem Conditions Causey, B. D. https://doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177692647
- Sampling Techniques (3rd ed.) Cochran, W. G.
- Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.11 On at least square adjustment of sampled frequency table when the expeted marginal totals are known Deming, W.E.;Stephan, F.F. https://doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177731829
- Journal of American Statistical Association v.87 Calibration estimators in survey sampling Deville, J.C.;Sarndal, C.E. https://doi.org/10.2307/2290268
- Journal of Official Statistics v.19 no.2 Weighting Methods Kalton, G.;Cervantes, I. F.
- Sampling: Design and Analysis Lohr, S.L.
- Journal of Official Statistics v.19 A Method for Estimating Design-based Sampling Variances for Surveys with Weighting, Poststratification, and Raking Lu, H.;Gelman, A.
- Model Assisted Survey Sampling Sarndal, C.E.;Swensson, B.;Wretman, J.
- SAS IML User's Guide
- Journal of Official Statistics v.13 Ratio Estimation of Hard-Core Drug Use Wright, D.;Gfroerer, J.;Epstein, J.