The Effects of the Mounted Method of Frame of a Large Truck on Handling Performance

대형트럭 프레임의 결합방법이 조종성능에 미치는 영향

  • 문일동 (대우상용차㈜) ;
  • 오재윤 (전북대학교 기계항공시스템공학부 MR) ;
  • 오석형 (군산대학교 기계공학부)
  • Published : 2004.08.01


This paper develops a computer model of a cabover type large truck for estimating the effects of the mounted method of frame on handling performance. The computer model considers two mounted methods of frame; flange mounted and web mounted. Frame is modeled by finite elements using MSC/NASTRAN in order to consider the flexibility of frame. The reliability of the developed computer model is verified by comparing the actual vehicle test results with the simulation results. The actual vehicle test is performed in a double lane change course, and lateral acceleration, yaw rate, and roll angle are measured. To estimate the effects of the mounted method of frame on handling performance, simulations are performed with the flange mounted and web mounted frame. Simulation results show that the web mounted frame's variations of roll angle, lateral acceleration, and yaw rate are larger than the flange mounted frame's variations, especially in the high test velocity and the second part of the double lane course. Also, simulation results show that the web mounted frame's tendencies of roll angle, lateral acceleration, and yaw rate advance the flange mounted frame's tendencies, especially in the high test velocity and the second part of the double lane course.



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