The Generation of a Smooth C Extension Surface

부드러운 $C^2$확장 곡면 생성

  • 김회섭 (경원대학교 수학정보학과)
  • Published : 2004.06.01


To design parts satisfying physical property in the continuous region, we do it in the discrete rectangular mesh points. Then we obtain points data from parts design and usually construct the surface using least squares method. In such case, that surface has an oscillation in the ineffective region which is inadequate for physical phenomena or NC machining. To solve both problems simultaneously, we extend the surface smoothly to have small curvature in the extended region. Up to now, we use the least squares method for the parts design in Color Picture Tube or Color Display Tube but in this paper, we use functions which is easily controllable. This surface has no error within the effective region compared to the least squares method.



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