퍼지다항식 뉴론 기반의 유전론적 최적 자기구성 퍼지 다항식 뉴럴네트워크

Genetically Opimized Self-Organizing Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks Based on Fuzzy Polynomial Neurons

  • 박호성 (원광대학 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 이동윤 (중부대학 정보통신공학) ;
  • 오성권 (원광대학 전기전자ㆍ정보공학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


In this paper, we propose a new architecture of Self-Organizing Fuzzy Polynomial Neural Networks (SOFPNN) that is based on a genetically optimized multilayer perceptron with fuzzy polynomial neurons (FPNs) and discuss its comprehensive design methodology involving mechanisms of genetic optimization, especially genetic algorithms (GAs). The proposed SOFPNN gives rise to a structurally optimized structure and comes with a substantial level of flexibility in comparison to the one we encounter in conventional SOFPNNs. The design procedure applied in the construction of each layer of a SOFPNN deals with its structural optimization involving the selection of preferred nodes (or FPNs) with specific local characteristics (such as the number of input variables, the order of the polynomial of the consequent part of fuzzy rules, and a collection of the specific subset of input variables) and addresses specific aspects of parametric optimization. Through the consecutive process of such structural and parametric optimization, an optimized and flexible fuzzy neural network is generated in a dynamic fashion. To evaluate the performance of the genetically optimized SOFPNN, the model is experimented with using two time series data(gas furnace and chaotic time series), A comparative analysis reveals that the proposed SOFPNN exhibits higher accuracy and superb predictive capability in comparison to some previous models available in the literatures.



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