Separation of Organic Pollutants by Nondispersive Membrane-Solvent Extraction

비분산 막-용매추출에 의한 유기오염물의 분리

  • 유홍진 (순천향대학교 공과대학 신소재화학공학부) ;
  • 한성록 (순천향대학교 공과대학 신소재화학공학부)
  • Published : 2004.04.01


Organic pollutants (Phenol, 2-Chlorophenol, Nitrobenzene) were separated from wastewater by nondispersive membrane solvent extraction, using a microporous hydrophobic hollow fiber module. The system was operated countercurrently and cocurrently with the aqueous phase flowing through the fiber lumens and the solvent flowing through the shell side. The distribution coefficients of several solvents (MIBK, IPAc, Hexane) were examined and MIBK was selected as an extracting solvent. Separation efficiency of countercurrent flow method was better than that of cocurrent flow method. Also, the overall mass transfer coefficients were determined.

미세기공 중공사형 모듈을 이용한 비분산 막-용매 추출에 의하여 유기오염물을 페수로부터 분리하였다. 시스템은 향류 및 병류로 각각 진행되었으며, 분배계수의 비교로부터 MIBK가 분리용 용매로 선정되었다. 향류의 분리도가 병류보다 우수하였으며, 총괄물질전달계수도 구하였다.
