최적 전류파형제어를 통한 브러시리스 DC 발전기의 출력밀도 최대화에 관한 연구

Power Density Maximization of the Brushless DC Generator by Controlling the Optimal Current Waveform

  • 이형우 (미국 코넬대학 이론응용역학과)
  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


This paper presents an advanced control technique for power density maximization of the Brushless DC (BLDC) generator by using the linear tracking method. In a generator of given rating, the weight and size of the system affect the fuel consumption directly. Therefore, power density is one of the most important issues in a stand-alone generator. BLDC generator has high power density in the machine point of view and additional increases of power density by control means can be expected. Conventional rectification methods cannot achieve the maximum power possible because of hon-optimal current waveforms. The optimal current waveform to maximize power density and minimize machine size and weight in a nonsinusoidal power supply system has been derived, incorporated in a control system, and verified by simulation and experimental work. A new simple algebraic method has been proposed to accomplish the proposed control without an FFT which is time consuming and complicated.



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