Application of a PID Feedback Control Algorithm for Adaptive Queue Management to Support TCP Congestion Control

  • Ryu, Seungwan (Mobile Telecommunication Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI)) ;
  • Rump, Christopher M. (Applied Statistics and Operations Research Department at Bowling Green State University)
  • 발행 : 2004.06.01


Recently, many active queue management (AQM) algorithms have been proposed to address the performance degradation. of end-to-end congestion control under tail-drop (TD) queue management at Internet routers. However, these AQM algorithms show performance improvement only for limited network environments, and are insensitive to dynamically changing network situations. In this paper, we propose an adaptive queue management algorithm, called PID-controller, that uses proportional-integral-derivative (PID) feedback control to remedy these weak-Dalles of existing AQM proposals. The PID-controller is able to detect and control congestion adaptively and proactively to dynamically changing network environments using incipient as well as current congestion indications. A simulation study over a wide range of IP traffic conditions shows that PID-controller outperforms other AQM algorithms such as Random Early Detection (RED) [3] and Proportional-Integral (PI) controller [9] in terms of queue length dynamics, packet loss rates, and link utilization.



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